Holistic Therapies

Reiki healing

My journey into healing

My journey into healing began a few years after living in Lanzarote when clients of mine began to comment on healing experiences they were feeling throughout their holistic treatments, usually with the Indian head massage or Aromatherapy Facial. I have always had an early fascination with the mystical world since being a small child so it felt like it was a natural path for me in life to discover a natural ability for healing.  Following these experiences of healing, curiosity drew me into studying Reiki healing and in 2001 I became a Reiki Master Healer. I love the fascinating world of healing and I now infuse Reiki healing into all my holistic therapies.

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki healing is based on the principle that we are more than just a physical body but we are an energy body also made up of a network of meridians and energy centres called Chakras. When these become blocked usually through some form of continued stress it disrupts the energy flow and reduces the bodys ability to heal itself and function efficiently. Most ill health begins in the energy field and if left untreated, eventually manifests into some form of illness or disease. When Reiki healing is given it helps to dissolve blockages in the energy body and kick starts your own natural healing process, a bit like putting jump leads on a car!

The 7 chakras






third eye


Reiki Healing Treatment

Reiki Healing Treatment

60 minutes. 40€.

How is a reiki healing treatment given?

During the Reiki treatment you will lay on a comfortable couch and remain fully clothed with a blanket over you if needed and soft music playing to put you into a relaxed mood . Using relaxing essential oils and starting at the head I will work down the body using a series of hands on positions over the 7 main chakras of your body, finishing at your feet. I will also cover any other areas that need healing that we might have discussed prior to your Reiki treatment.

A Reiki Healing Treatment of 60 minutes will include a 20 minute massage of the shoulders, neck, face and scalp using relaxing essential oils of Frankincense and Neroli.

How Does A Reiki Healing Treatment Feel ?

As each person is unique so is each Reiki Treatment, and each Reiki treatment will be different depending on your needs of that present time in your life . Throughout your Reiki treatment you may become aware of certain sensations such as tingling, heat in areas of the body that need it, and heat from my hands, floating, like being sedated, seeing various colours and shapes. The colours that you might receive in your Reiki Healing Treatment are the colours that you are depleted in and need to balance your chakras at that time. Some clients will also comment on seeing visions of people who have passed over to the spirit world as the healing raises your vibrational field.

As Reiki Healing flows through you it  slows down your brain wave patterns from alpha to beta waves where you  enter a deep state of relaxation allowing healing to take place. After the Reiki Healing Treatment some people feel energised whilst others feel peaceful and deeply relaxed, often reporting that they slept very well the day of the Reiki Treatment.

Reiki has its own intelligence and will find the areas that need healing whether it is physical, emotional or mental as it works on the whole body. Reiki healing treats the cause and not the symptoms as it works on the energy body.

Read what clients are saying...

Holistic Beauty
Pat Byrne Ireland

I first came across Michelle in 2016 and was in very bad pain after a football knee injury that I got the day before I travelled to Lanzarote. My holiday was going down the pan and the strongest of painkillers did not work. After an hours treatment of Reiki healing, I was on the road to recovery. I limped for the remainder of the day but by the next day all the pain had gone and my holiday was saved. I go 2 to 3 times a year to Lanzarote and include Michelle now as part of my holiday package as just for the well-being itself. A visit to Michelle is like going to your favourite restaurant, and having your favourite meal and wine and you don’t want it to end, I feel the same whilst having a Reiki Healing treatment with Michelle. !

Holistic Beauty
Karen UK

I was suffering from swollen legs due to very bad water retention. Insomnia and stress and went to Michelle for Reiki healing whilst on holiday from England. During the Reiki healing, in my minds eye, I saw colours in shades of purple and also saw myself being pulled into a black tunnel, which then turned into a golden hue. I felt intense heat in my left hip which is affected by osteoarthritis and is very painful and felt a pulling sensation that travelled into my feet and back up my body which made my legs feel like puppets on a string ! The overall effect was one of having been pulled and stretched upwards so I felt taller and the stress and tension dissolved leaving me feeling calmer and lighter.

Holistic Beauty
Mary Lanzarote

Mary suffered from back pain and sciatica. She came foe Reiki healing to try and ease the pain. Upon starting the healing, Mary started to see colours of soft pinks and greens. She also felt waves of heat running through her body, and a numbness in her hands and feet, she felt as if she couldn’t move and had a sensation of floating. After the Reiki had finished, she said she felt absolutely wonderful and extremely relaxed. Six weeks later she said she was still pain free.

Holistic Beauty
Cathy Jones Thacker Lanzarote

Thankyou Michelle at Reiki Healing Therapies. I had the most relaxing aromatherapy facial with Reiki Healing. My skin feels incredible today. During my facial was the most incredible smells from the aromatherapy products. The Reiki healing was very relaxing and during the healing process with my eyes closed I experienced the most spectacular colours. Michelle was friendly and made sure I was comfortable and relaxed throughout my healing facial treatment. I would highly recommend both Michelle and the Reiki aromatherapy facial .Thank you for a wonderful morning

Holistic Beauty
Susan UK

After suffering a stroke which affected my face, I was on holiday in Lanzarote and decided to have a Reiki healing treatment with Michelle. My face felt tight and I couldn’t move it properly, so speaking was difficult. During the healing session I saw lots of different colours and tremendous warmth in my face. At the end of the treatment , the inside of my face felt as if it had changed, it had relaxed leaving it feeling much more normal again and able to move it as I should.

Holistic Beauty
Olive Lanzarote

Hi Michelle, just to say how relaxed I was today after my aromatherapy facial and Reiki Healing. My skin feels wonderful. As you know I drifted off to sleep and on a couple of occasions I felt so much heat especially in my calves and feet which is where Id had some pains. The colours I saw were so bright,especially the gold, it was amazing, I had never seen this before. Thank you again, see you soon.x

Indian Head Massage

30 minutes. Price 30€

It dosent seem sufficient to say that an Indian Head Massage will relax you, it is much more than this. Through a variety of different massage techniques including acupressure with relaxing essential oils and combined with Reiki healing, it not only works to loosen tight, tense muscles but melts away built up stress and tension in the shoulders, neck, scalp and face. The aim is to not only relieve aches, pains and tension but also to induce a deep sense of calm, allowing healing to take place throughout the mind and body.

Why Have An Indian Head Massage.

Aromatherapy Facial with Microdermabrasion.

60 minutes. Price 40€

Combining an aromatherapy facial treatment using rejuvenating aromatherapy oils and plant based skincare with microdermabrasion, this deeply relaxing and effective facial treatment will take you on a journey of deep relaxation to distress the mind and rejuvenate the skin.

Microdermabrasion is a gentle yet effective method of removing the top layer of dry dead skin cells to leave it looking super smooth and plumped with immediate results. Combined with deep cleansing of the skin, a hydrating and detoxifying mask, massage of the shoulders, neck ,face and scalp with relaxing essential oils of Frankincense and Neroli. To complete this facial treatment , Reiki healing is given to calm the mind and melt away all stress and tension in the face and body , making it a truly holistic experience.

Why Have An Aromatherapy / Microdermabrasion Facial ?

Natural Face Lift Massage

Natural Face Lift Massage

45 minutes. 35€.

We can all suffer from stress and tension that builds up in the face, neck and scalp. Over a period of time habitual thoughts and emotions can lock themselves into expression lines in the face particularly around the eyes and mouth. This can also be exacerbated by over- exposure to the sun, smoking, alcohol, poor diet and lack of sleep .Without realising it this can encourage puffiness around the eyes, lines and a dull complexion as your skin loses its muscle tone and elasticity.

The Face Lift Massage begins with a deep cleansing of the face and neck  using the Moonspirit range of natural plant based and aroma therapeutic skincare. To release built up tensions in the shoulders, neck, face and scalp, a blend of massage techniques including acupressure  and lymphatic drainage  with rejuvenating and relaxing essential oils is performed. Combined with Reiki healing this more than just a facial treatment, it will melt away stress and tension, leaving you with a sense of deep inner peace and a renewed and radiant complexion.

Why Have A Natural Face Lift Massage?

Reflexology/ Reiki Treatment

Reflexology/ Reiki Treatment.

60 minutes. 40€.

A Reiki and Reflexology Treatment is more than just a foot massage it works to re-balance the whole body by massaging specific reflex points on the feet that are connected to energy pathways of the body known as meridians. The different parts areas of the body have a corresponding reflex area in the foot and by applying pressure to these points in the feet it will open up the energy pathways and help to dissolve any blockages.

Combined with Reiki Healing it will stimulate a healing response throughout the whole body on an emotional, physical and mental level. The synergy of Reiki with reflexology expands the benefits of alleviating stress and tension, it can work on a profound healing level restoring balance and well-being throughout the whole body.